We analyze your site’s soils, micro-climates, water availability and quality as they relate to the growing of specific crops. We note natural features on your site that may impact agricultural decision making. Riparian areas and other habitats require consideration. We analyze erosion and slope stability issues that may impact crop choices and require mitigation to avoid problems and address the threat of wildfire and protective measures.
Consultation and evaluation is available for landowners with existing plantings that need improvement and/or want to diversify by adding new crops. We also work with clients with existing agricultural operations that need the Vetiver Grass system for bioremediation or phytoengineering for slope stabilization, erosion control and moisture conservation. We also work with homeowners with smaller gardens or orchards.
Based on our site evaluation we make recommendations about what crop options are suitable and well adapted to your site. We provide pertinent information about costs to establish those crops as well as what kind of yields can be expected. Our focus is on low impact, sustainable agriculture with minimal water requirement and the promotion of our dryland crops for California. However, as an agricultural consultant and farmer Doug is well versed in most common and specialty agriculture and is always looking for opportunities to match a landowner and property with the most appropriate crops. We promote diversity.
We will design your farm layout, organizing the crop or crops into a workable, sustainable configuration with respect to each other and to existing site features such as roads, buildings natural vegetation, creeks, etc. We can design all of the elements of your planting including irrigation design and layout. If there are erosion, drainage, water issues or any other land management concerns we can address these and include them in the design and development of the project.
Based on that design we will generate realistic budget figures for every phase of the project’s development. We prefer to integrate more than one crop into a farm plan to increase diversity and spread risk but the size of the property can be a constraint if it is smaller. With both Agaves and with Prickly Pears we are able to achieve a high level of diversity just by planting different species or types.
We provide on-site management of the actual layout and planting of the farm including irrigation, preventative measures such as staking, gopher trapping, etc. We supervise and coordinate with your work force to get the job done correctly and efficiently though we do not contract or provide labor. We have strong relationships with other wholesale nurseries for sourcing plants and crops we do not grow. We are fluent in Spanish.
We are experienced with organic certification and can help you certify your farm. We are familiar with farm agencies and water companies in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties and can facilitate or be your liaison with these or your local agencies wherever you are in California.
40+ years of experience designing and building residential landscapes and small scale home orchards. We bring our expertise to create a beautiful aesthetic design perfectly suited to your home, land and lifestyle. Sustainable, drought savvy, fire-wise, native, erosion proof, edible - we can do it all. We apply the same approach to a smaller property or residential landscape with full site evaluation. We work with our clients to create a sustainable landscape plan that will fulfill the goals and desires of the homeowner with an ecologically sound design. We can provide your complete landscape plan including planting plan, hardscape and irrigation drawings. We are well versed in rainfall harvesting and grey water systems as well as proper drainage, slope stabilization and erosion control.
In our nursery we mainly grow Agave varieties with economical value, Opuntia varieties for top fruit quality and productivity in a multitude of colors and Vetiver Grass. Some other plants are also available, please contact us for more information. Our nursery is available by appointment only for plant purchase or pick up. Contract propagation services available.